Dynamic and expert…Move ‘N Groove uses Creative Movement and dance to develop children’s cognitive, emotional, and physical capacities in fun, intelligent, and integrated ways.”
Edward Warburton, Ed.D.
Associate Professor, Dance, Education, Technology Program
University of California, Santa Cruz

I love this DVD!
“My five-year-old has been doing Move ‘n Groove since the age of two and she still loves it. I am so happy to now have this DVD copy since my VHS copy was pretty much worn out. We must’ve literally played the tape everyday for the first year that we had it. It was my daughter’s favorite video and she would do it all the way through, by herself, giving me uninteruppted time! I love the simple-to-follow exercises. The two women who lead it are good motivators, easy to understand, and not at all annoying. I have tried a few other childrens’ exercise videos and this is the one my daughter likes the most. It also seems to keep her attention above all others. I can’t recommend this enough!”
Beth “Mom of 2″
Amazon Review
Our son LOVES these DVDs
“Our 3-year old son LOVES these DVDs. We got them as a gift and he immediately wanted to dance and sing along. Usually he will zone out on the couch if we turn on the TV (which we hate) but with these videos he spends the whole time dancing and jumping around the living room. Highly recommended!”
Mark Ladov
Amazon Review
“I have 4 and 6 year old daughters. My 4 year old is especially active and she absolutely loves this video. Now she can exercise like mommy does! My 6 year old got a little tired doing this, but I’m glad to see her moving......... But overall, they love all the animal movements they get to do in the video. I recommend to all.”
Wendy Ball
Amazon Review
“My son can’t sit still when Move ‘N Groove Kids is on—he’s got to dance. It’s everything an educational dance video should be. It is fun to watch and easy to learn. It is well-structured, clear, and really knowledgeable, yet it is irresistibly exuberant.”
Marcelle Clements
Nationally Published Film & Television Critic
Mother of Luc, 8 years old
“Deb and Sara get these kids moving so naturally, they don’t realize it’s exercise. If only mealtimes were as easy! Smart eating and exercise that’s fun are the two-part antidote to the increasing problem of childhood obesity. Deb and Sara have done their work. Now it’s up to us to feed our children as well as the Move ‘N Groove Kids program gets them movin ‘n groovin. The synergy created between feeding children whole fresh foods and introducing them to exercise that they love is the key to guaranteeing lifelong health and vigor.”
Susan Miller, MSRD
Registered Dietitian
Nutrition Consultant (and Grandmother)
“Move ‘N Groove Kids is wonderful! My son has loved going to Creative Movement classes and this tape now makes it possible to bring the joy of that experience right into our own living room. Kids this age are crazy about free-style dancing, but they also like the structure of following along with specific movements. This video marries these two concepts beautifully. Deb and Sara possess amazing energy, the kids (and parents) clearly have a blast, and the video truly achieves its goal of getting everyone up and moving. When we watched it, the nine and ten year olds in the room even joined in. We just hope this tape is the first in a series!”
Nancy Meyer
Mother of Isaac, 4 years old
“I’ve been looking for a way to get my plump 4 year old to be more active, so I bought this video. She LOVES it! We move the coffee table & do it together. She wants to do it everyday- it definitely met my expectations. I like this video better than Elmocize (I bought both at the same time) because it is produced with a focus on fun exercise in mind rather than focusing more on entertainment. If we have this on, my daughter is moving. With Elmocize, she can just watch it without being enticed to get up & move…”
Parent review on Amazon.com
“My 4 & 5 year old preschool group of 20 love this video. I was looking for something to get them moving on days we couldn’t go outside and they ask for it all the time! It’s fun, they love the movements and it great for following direction skills.”
Cynthia L. Bryan
Teacher review on Amazon.com
“I love this video and my three-year-old daughter loves it too. She asks me to play it literally everyday and does the entire thing from beginning to end, all by herself. It’s a great way for me to get some uninterrupted time to myself and to also have her doing something that’s good for her. And what a great way for her to get exercise on rainy days! My only complaint is that I wish they had an advanced version. I know that my daughter will grow out of this and will want something more challenging. But I’ve definitely gotten my money’s worth out of this video! I’m back to buy another one for my niece.”
Beth Stewart
Parent review on Amazon.com